__='mY friEnd'=___
memOriEz arE tHe oNlY tHiNg tHat caN
nvEr be cHaNgEd,
aLthOugH tHe wOrLd caN be a bit
PictUrEz wiLL fadE; piCtuRez of me aNd
bUt oUr memoriEz wOnt bid adiEu...
tHoUgh we arE partEd bY sEvEraL waYs..
oUr memOriEz wiLL cOnNect us iN maNy
dEstinY maY sEpEratE uS apaRt,
bUt oUr hEart aNd sOuL wiLL nEvEr paRt.
wE maYbE faR frOm eacH otHer...
bUt mY frieNd dOnt be bOtHErd.
wE maY cHange aS wE grOw oLd but oUr
lEagUe wiLL aLwaYs be bOLd.
tiMeLesS taLeS oF me aNd yOu...
wHat a wOndErfUlL cOmbiNatiOn aNd
mixtUrE of hUe.
tEarZ aNd laUgHtEr we sHarEd tOgetHer..
I wiLl aLwaYs tReasUre it fOrEvER.
triaLs aNd oBstaCLes bOtH wE facEd
arE liKe vaLuabLe gEmz i wiLl nEvEr
oUr friEndsHip is impOrtaNt aNd it
wiLl nEvEr eNd..
becaUsE i wiLl aLwaYs trEasuRe U aS mY
biggrin lol wink wink
- by little_prodigy |
- Poetry And Lyrics
- | Submitted on 08/08/2008 |
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- Title: "my friend"
- Artist: little_prodigy
- Description: this is a simple poem... dedicated to my friends.. they have been a great help for me.. in times of triuble and despair.. they never left me alone.. guyz, this ones for you..
- Date: 08/08/2008
- Tags: friends
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Comments (1 Comments)
- pinkish_love - 12/24/2008
- im sorry but its annoying and hard to read because of the way you wrote it:/
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