• I smile to hide the pain
    To look like i am fine
    To be strong for you

    I cry when I am alone
    When noone can see me
    When I am in darkness

    I harm myself to avoid all hurt
    To get rid of this mental pain
    To avoid the tears from falling

    I drink to avoid the truth
    To feel numb
    To forget myself

    I didn't say
    I was scared
    I was hurt

    I am scared of darkness
    Feeling as if I am not safe
    Dreaming of my past

    I am scared of life
    Feeling suicidal, depressed and hate
    Not showing the pain I feel

    Hurting myself to feel better
    Not sleeping on a night
    Hating myself

    I am scared of you
    Your in my nightmares
    My flashbacks and my memories

    You haunt me in my mind
    You scarred me mentally
    You made me hate you

    My abuser