a conversation with death
Taking my usual path
Along the gray, ivy and sorrow
I see a hooded man
The one we all fear
But not me I welcome him
With open arms of grace
The words I say
That spill out my mouth
“Good day death not killing today?
No sorrow, no misery, no loss of life”
He looked at me with socket less eyes
Though hidden away he stared at me
“Good day in deed my fleshy friend
But it is good for me and not for you.
For you see people are dying as we speak
There souls wander lost and they weep
And it is your kind I thank.
The smokers the drunks and the drug abusers
They take themselves and others on a daily basis
“Why is that so?” I ask quite quaint
“For human will is weak when taken just once
A sniff of my breath, a drop of my blood
My bones penetrate there skin
And when they try to take it away they will crave for more
“Ah, yes” I say with understanding
“But you must see that I will never succumb to your tools
I am one of the bright lights in life that shine through the darkness”
“Yes it’s agreeable you are one of them” he replied with a nod
“But your light will burn out through the essence of time
You may breathe now but you will die
And I will be there to take you and walk by my side.”
“Yes, I do not deny it I will die
And I will be glad to walk by your side”
I say with a smile
But curiosity strikes and a question seed is planted
It grows from my mouth and I speak its petals
“But before we part and take our leave
May I ask you a question for I need to be briefed?”
“Then speak fool do not waste my time, there are spirits lost looking for salvation”
He spat with fury
“Why does you heart fill with joy whenever it comes to death
The last breathe and cry when life’s candle has burned out and you reap the rewards that is that is the light to your own heart”
“A heart you say? Bah! A heart I need not, no emotions I need for I feel none
Soul taming is the job that was given unto me its something I must do
Whether it be a curse or a gift I cannot say
a conversation with death
this poem is my first one and it's unfinished so please read and i hope you enjoy it. It was year ago i made this. If theres anything wrong with it comment please thank you for reading and enjoy
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