• Me, Hime Suki Gemini, 16 years old
    Responds to inspiration with a heart of gold
    When writer’s block occurs it turns cold.
    I love to write, and read, and play,
    In New York, inspiration comes every day,
    The young, the old, the black, the white,
    People are people differences despite.
    School is my education,
    Whilst fanfiction is my salvation,
    It gives a great sensation,
    I don’t believe that we are ‘God’s’ creation,
    In fact God in general gives me frustration,
    People are just looking for an explanation.
    Call me an atheist,
    But I do meditation,
    Call me a Buddhist,
    But I don’t always have relaxation,
    Call me stressed,
    You may be right,
    But I wouldn’t change my life.
    It gives me inspiration.

    Inspired by Langston Hughes', “Theme for English B”