Far beyond the dragons lay
Poetry And Lyrics
| Submitted on 01/18/2009 |
Once in a land far far away
Far beyond the dragons lay
There lived a lady and her knight
He was her day, she was his light
But nothing gold can every last
The lady's health was fading fast
The knight would never let this stay
He loved her more than words could say
He sought the witch of highest power
Lonely in a lonely tower
She heal'd the lady's deadly vice
But required sacrifice
And to the happy knight she said:
"For raising your lady from the dead
You will not see her ne'er again
You'll travel over field and fen
You'll flee out from your native place
and suck the blood of all thy race
Your only friends in eternity
Will be your Joy and Misery
With that she gave him twinned swords
Covered in forgotten words
And thus the lady gained her health
Murdered later for greed of wealth
But our dear knight ne'er heard of her plight
For the curse had ever forced his flight
He long abandoned chivalry
Killing with Joy and Misery
At last he settled in a village
Which nightly he was forced to pillage
The Vampire grew so very old
And his heart grew very cold
Hi did not remember his lady
Only his Joy and Misery
A century did come and go
A thousand rains a thousand snows
Before a hero came to town
To seek the knight and strike him down
But for him to kill the Vampire, first,
He would have to break the curse
"How will you end my eternity?
Will you use my Joy or Misery"
"With Misery I'll strike you down
For 'tis what you brought upon this town"
And soon with Misery he found
The hero lay dead upon the ground.
Another century did come and pass,
It wouldn't be the Vampire's last
A scholar then came down his way
Convinced that wit would pave his way
"How will you end my eternity?
With my Joy or Misery"
Quoth he: "With misery comes death!
With misery I'll steal your breath!"
Again with Misery he found
The scholar lay dead upon the ground
And so another century did pass
This time he knew it'd be his last.
For this day a boy from the town
Did come to strike the Vampire down
"How will you end my eternity?
With my Joy or Misery?"
"With Joy, for even you with all your crimes
Has surely earned a death sublime"
And thus the little boy from town
Did strike the fabled Vampire down.
And thus the brave and noble knight
Remembered love, remembered light
Forgot the blood sucked from his race
Died with a smile upon his face.
Far beyond the dragons lay
One of those things that happens when you get bored and start doodling, then somehow, 30 minutes later, you find yourself with a behemoth of a thing... Yeah. Obviously, it's a poem. A ballad About a vampire.
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