• Somewhere in space,
    is the world,
    in the world,
    there is a desert,
    in the desert,
    there is a survivor,
    in the survivor,
    there is a heart,

    ONE HEART...that stands alone,
    through all the pain,
    and after all,
    who else could he count on???

    People these days are so hard to trust,
    especially with hearts,
    because of all the lust,

    so who do you turn to when it all crashes down?
    can you trust yourself with a task so huge?

    Valentine's day is coming up,
    is it really a day of love...
    or a day for businesses to make money???

    Love is a commercial thing,
    who's to say it even exists?

    people say they need someone,
    to complete their life,
    to fill the void in their hearts,

    I used to be one of those people...
    until I started thinking...

    we all grew up with stories of love,
    with songs of passion,
    with romance movies,
    with fairy tales...

    so maybe we were all just decieved...
    who can say I'm wrong???
    After you've believed...
    especially as much as me...

    maybe someday you'll all see...
    that love is really...
    just a disease...

    but either way...
    I still wouldn't mind...
    finding the one person who can save me from this...
    this thing called "life"...

    all I know is the world is a deathtrap...

    someone help me...

    There I go again...
    sounding like a helpless begger...
    which I might as well be with the way I carry on...
    but I guess I can't help it...
    so I guess I'll keep searching...
    so I guess I'll keep getting hurt...

    Valentine's Day...
    a day of love???

    or Doom's Day in disguise???

    Either way my heart is just BEGGING to be broken again...
    so do your worst...
    I guess thats all I have to say...