• Life.....

    Life is so great and full of surprises,
    How magical things appear as the sun arises.

    Life is powerfull in many ways,
    How many creatures are underneath the ocean waves.

    Life can affect anyone,
    How old folks can affect the young.

    Life is beautiful and should be cherished,
    you shouldn't take your life or you will perish.

    Life can be considered as a game,
    If you don't play your cards right, you end up in shame.

    Life can't be taken for granted,
    If it isn't, your life can be enchanted.

    Life isn't about playing by all the rules,
    some of us wouldn't be here if our parents weren't jewels.

    Life is precious, lovely, and sweet,
    don't throw it all away because you hit the heat.

    Life is brilliant and great,
    life can be a sinner but its more of a saint.

    Life can hustle you out,
    but always scream never just shout.

    Life is too good to be taken,
    don't take it just because things got shaken.

    Life is too short to be worried about what people think,
    don't pay attention to anyone like that, they are not your missing link.

    *Just Have To Add This One*

    Life is like a box of chocolates,
    you never know what you're gunna get.