• Around the guards,
    Right past those fools,
    In sneaking ‘round,
    Link truly rules.

    Before too long,
    He finds the end,
    He goes around,
    The final bend.

    What he beholds,
    Across the room,
    Is the princess,
    Filled up with gloom.

    She is watching,
    An evil man,
    Wearing all black,
    From distant land.

    He offers peace,
    But she can tell,
    That truly he,
    Does not mean well.

    She gives to Link,
    A sacred quest,
    Cause she can tell,
    He is the best.

    The sacred stones,
    The final two,
    The ruby red,
    The sapphire blue.

    The Gorons have,
    The second gem,
    With only heart,
    Link goes to them.

    The goron chief,
    Is quite angry,
    And filled with grief.

    To soothe his mood,
    Link plays a tune,
    Saria’s song,
    It works quite soon.

    The goron chief,
    Although real big,
    Jumps and dances,
    A merry jig.

    Calm and happy,
    With no regret,
    He gives to Link,
    A gold bracelet.

    It gives to Link,
    Strength and power,
    He can now use,
    The bomb flower.

    With one such bomb,
    He blows away,
    A giant rock,
    That blocked the way.

    He rushes in,
    The great cavern,
    If not careful,
    His shield will burn.

    A metal shield,
    He had to get,
    It cannot burn,
    So link won’t fret.

    Now Link must find,
    A new weapon,
    Things that explode,
    Are truly fun.