The end of beauty fast approaches.
A slight breeze stirs the dead leaves.
I stand, thinking of you, not noticing the leaves around.
It’s hard to notice when you lower your eyes.
The end of beauty comes and I have nothing.
All I can do is to think of you and wonder why you left.
I wish I was justified, I wish I was vindicated in wanting to end it all.
I never win, I was born to lose, so why not end it all?
Beauty’s end is almost upon us and I decide to see the bitter end.
I know what you would’ve wanted, so I stand here and stare at the cracks. Beauty has ended, beauty is dead, and I stand alone.
I love you....
- Title: Beauty's End
- Artist: DaLuz
- Description: What happens when beauty leaves?
- Date: 03/03/2009
- Tags: beauty
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