Time and time again i fall head over heels for you.
And over and over again you break my heart without ever noticing.
Is the thought of me loving you simply a fairy tale?
Why? Why do you cause me such pain in my heart?
You get under my skin, and as much times as i try to hate you i can't.
It feels like this everyday, no matter what i try.
I don't like this, chasing you down everytime your sad...
Then you distance yourself from me, bit by bit..
We stay the same in this relationship, making no progress.
Your driving me insane, why are we going no where?
even when you smile i can see no expression.
It's not easy to tell you, and i'm not sure if i can..
but i want to hate you, i want this pain to end..
You hardly cast a glance at me, but i take the effort to know all about you.
You act so cold to me sometimes, in favor of others..
But when i leave..... why do you drag me back... only to do the same thing..
Daily...Weekly...Mothly...Yearly...Not being able to get your trust.
I'm tormented you trust so many over me...
I'm tortured that you have this second life i know nothing about...
Why must i open up, amd you stay closed off?
Is this fair? Why must you be so greedy?
Little by little, i will show you my misery you have caused me.
The anguish and i will leave you in tears.
When you call, i will not answer..
When you come over, i won't be there...
I am just a tortured figment of your twisted heart....
Another soul that was tossed in the grinder called love...
So don;t bother calling anymore..... because i'm through with this.
I've just been wasting my time with you for too long.
I've spent too much time on just a "Freind".
Just.....Forget i ever existed, and walk past me,No, we won't meet again, ever.
This is about the anguish of falling in love over and over again.... with the same person .
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