Why am I alone...why does everyone run when I come...why do I fear I will die alone...why do I care so much for everyone then to get back-stabbed...why does no one care...why does no one appreciate the fountain of kindness I share until it dries all up from there thirst only to be refilled by my tears
why...is it that the world turns the other way...why is it that I am torn apart...why is it I keep trying...because no matter what they do I still love them and nothing they can do will hurt me anymore...knowing that I will be here forever helping when I can...being a role model for the one that will care...until he or she is found the fountain of kindness and love will be refilled
with that one more will come...until I am no longer alone and I am with the one that will be with me forever...when that happens the fountain will grow...it will flood the world with kindness, love, and now happiness...but that day seems far away...dark clouds loom overhead and black fog block the future...the searing heat of the sun dries my fountain...I wait...and wait...yet I'm still alone...stomped under heavy boots as people walk all over me...yet I still love them and pour my heart unto them...and then they laugh at me...and then say..."why do you give of yourself so much you know no one will ever appreciate you"
"...I thus say..." because I hope as I wait and cast aside all the ridicule that one day someone will appreciate me"...in return they laugh and say "dream on"...I do dream on and wait more and keep on giving...yet does the world care...only a little and that is what they receive from me...the things I give them...yet they run me over in cars...putting me in hospitals...so I give them money...as I am not giving enough already...but I still give with a smile on my face thinking that today I might find the one that does care...I am not discouraged I only look forward to the next day...waiting,praying, hoping, shedding a few tears here and there unto my last days...I lay in a bed old and tired but I have a smile on my face...because I know now that as I pass away I will be going to where I am appreciated...
i n n e r a s y l u m
This poem I wrote when I was feeling down. I hope everyone enjoys.
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