• I stand silently under the blanket of white
    Hoping against hope that my memories won't fade.
    The snowflakes falling atop my head, into my eyes,
    Remind me of the countless days

    Where I would sit and dream
    About days long gone, things long set in motion.
    My younger years flashing before my eyes,
    In an instant of certain emotion,

    I cry for my life, my dear longevity,
    As the flakes of ages past land silently on my brow.
    I can't imagine what it used to be like,
    Being young, fearless, eager to grow.

    My old age has clouded my life
    Eating away at my heart, my soul.
    I sit in the cold blanket of snow
    Wishing that my life's legacy wouldn't take its toll.

    But as I sit in the cold,
    Wishing, dreaming, hanging on,
    A flash of hope, a light in the tunnel appears,
    Reminding me that not all is gone.

    For my family, my love, and my dreams have all come true.
    Even now as I realize my childhood was all for not,
    I love and live as I am now, eager to grow, live, and love,
    Relishing my family, my love, and everything that I've got.