• I see this boy

    Trapped in this small dark place

    Everything is dark

    He can’t go anywhere

    There’s nothing but dark

    Nothing except that little boy

    Then the darkness starts to take over the boy

    He tries to fight it

    Fight for light

    Fight for life

    But the darkness still continues

    Going for the heart

    Going for complete darkness

    And no chance for light

    He fights it all he can

    But its no use

    It slowly takes over

    Pain and regret hits him like a bullet to the chest

    Falling into darkness more and more

    But somehow he starts coming back

    Back to light

    There’s a girl


    The darkness starts to fade away

    Saving the boy from the darkness

    Bringing him back to life

    Back to light

    The darkness has disappeared

    He’s pure light now

    As long as the girl stays

    He shall be light

    But if she leaves

    He could fall into the darkness

    But then

    The girl decides to leave

    The boy begs her not to go

    But she doesn’t get it

    She keeps him alive

    But she leaves anyway

    Soon that boy of light

    Starts to fade

    Back to darkness

    Then it starts

    The darkness starts in again

    Taking over faster

    Soon its over

    That boy of light

    Is now darkness

    No one can save him now

    It’s the end for the boy

    To ever see light again