Being with you for thirteen years
had made my life seems easier
But now that you are gone,
you left me in pain and tears
Looking at the picture of you and me,
shows me how much you loves me
You are the only Grandma that I had
and now I misses you so bad
How I wish I could turn back the time
and be there with you like I should
as you was there for me as you could
Still remember the time when you told us your dreams before we off to sleep
How I wish now that I could tell you one of my dreams
You had given me your love that I don't think I should deserve
as I always gets you on your nerve
I was young then to not realise all my sins
and now I pray that you and god would forgive me for what I did
Seeing my mum really reminds me of you
as I wish you are there to know that we are here for you
For one thing I could ask from you
Please take care of her like how she cherish you
and for grandma,
this poetry is for you
I will forever love you in my heart and soul .
I heart you, Grandmother
x - Lil Levesque - x
I wrote this about my late grandmother whom had passed away few years ago.
This is what i feel and wrote it in a form of poetry.
Do leave some comments and rating. Thanks :)
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