• Welcome to a world of dreams
    Where everything is just make believe
    A place with dragons and sorcery
    Every princess has a prince
    Life just can't get better than this
    No hearts to be broken
    No blood to be shed
    To bad this world is all in my head

    Time passes
    Like smoke on water
    There but quickly gone
    The smoke things we forget
    Or things we want to forget
    Time that was badly spent
    People we miss
    Words that should have never been said
    But the water is things we want to remember
    Your first kiss
    Your first love
    Because if you lose these things
    There is nothing left to remember
    And then everything
    Would be like smoke on water
    Forgotten forever

    The time has come at last
    As we stand side by side
    Covered in dirt
    Swords drawn
    Ready for anything
    Nations divided
    In a bloody battle
    The time has come
    To prove yourself
    As bodies cover the ground
    Friend or foe
    It doesn’t matter
    In this fight for your life
    As bombs fly through the sky
    We fight to survive
    And the war begins
    We hear their cries
    Ringing through the silence
    It’s life or death
    Will you survive
    Or will fate take its toll
    Let us see
    Welcome to the battle field

    I’m lost
    Spiraling deeper and deeper
    Into the darkness
    All around me
    Silence is heard
    I try to scream out
    But I can’t seem to find my voice
    Words cannot be spoken
    All alone in total isolation
    Trapped in my own thoughts
    It’s scary when you’re afraid
    Of everything
    Including yourself
    For the human mind has no limits
    No boundaries
    To hide it from the madness

    You scream
    You try to cry out
    But no one hears you
    You’re alone
    In total darkness
    The only sounds heard
    You’re breathing
    And the sound of your footsteps
    Living in a world of lies
    And nothing but fake friends
    You have nobody to turn to
    It’s just you
    Battling everyone
    Including yourself