[b:cb3bc2e78c]I have friends you just cant see them[/b:cb3bc2e78c]

Race: Human - Class: Fighter - Lv:1 Exp: 0
Alignment:CG Deiety:None
Str: 15 - Dex: 15 - Con: 15 - Int: 11 - Wis: 13 - Cha: 10
HP: 12 - AC: 16
Feats: Weapon Focus (Great Axe)/Quick Draw/Power Attack
Skills: Climb - 2/Jump - 2/Listen - 2/Intimidate -2/Ride - 2
Inventory: Great Axe 1d12 x3 crit , short bow 1d6 x3 crit, arrows (40), scale mail, backpack, bedroll, flint and steel, torch x 5
Money: 34gp 8 sp 5 cp
