Thursday, May 10, 2007. 9:33P.M.
Hi everyone!!! heart heart heart
How's everyone today? How's life? Great? Awesome? GREAT!
Anyway, this week has been so awesome. I didn't get enough sleep, but for some reason for the whole week i've been optimistic. I acctually decided to clean my backpack. (Which is always filled with stuff stare )) Yay! No more heavy loads! Also every day I clean out my folder and binder each day of unwanted paper. Now I don't have a messy folder and binder. WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH ME?
Well that's about me life...
Gaia life time.
Nope, it's not filled with sorrow...It's just that no one reads my journal and I have no friends. No, i'm not going to quit. Why should you care?
Wow. I really wish I could talk about my real life right about now...
Like, OMG, orly?
What's it's name? U_got_no_idea_its_me. Blech. I am SO creative. So i'm not going to that account until 2009 because it got suspended. Why? How should I know? I just logged in and said something about being suspended. Oh well Xd I'll manage.
I changed my hair, straight blue to funky pink/red.
I still want my dream avvie, only in different hair biggrin So donate please!
Oh, yeah! I made a roleplay! IT'S THE BEST ROLEPLAY I'VE A ACOMPLISHED! Wanna join?
Clicky here!
I guess that's it. Byes! Thanks for reading!
The Bootyfly Community Member |