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View User's Journal

Just Anything
I will write as much as I can, About anything mostly poems, which I haven't put up in quite some time.
My Worthless times

The tears im crying
Are like the acid rain
falling from the sky.

Does anyone even care,
that im hurting inside?

Im so confused...
What should I do?

Since my parents split
I have no foot-steps to,
Follow in.

I have no inspiration
how am I going to get,
through this life time?

sometimes I wonder,
Should I live? Or should I die?
But I guess thats for,'
God to decide.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Jul 09, 2007 @ 07:06pm
You are your own source of inspiration...You surely inspired me....You have such a great talent...I am truly in capture sch emotion and heart in your work...I wish I could.....I am usually so confused inside....that I don't know what to write!!...You are a truly amazing girl....I would any of your work....anytime you wish.....Thank you....

PS: You would love the poem I am writing.....It is called "Create Your Own Ripples"

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