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Just Anything
I will write as much as I can, About anything mostly poems, which I haven't put up in quite some time.
My lifes In Hell

Why do you intend on making my life,
A living hell?

All you do is yell and scream at me.
Like as if you were Adolf Hitler himself.

im tired of having to cry every night.
My life is hard enough,
Thanks to you.

All I am to you is nothing but,
A slave.

Im your daughter not some,
Little rag doll you can push around.

You told me you'd be there for me.
But my life is nothing more, but than broken promises.

You lied to try and keep the peace,
Between you and me.

I can hardly stand to look at you.
In the way a daughter should be able to.

I can hardly wait to leave you,
here all alone in nothing but despair.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Jul 13, 2007 @ 03:38pm
Ahh....I poem dedicated to the anger your family makes you feel....I have written a many of those....your was showed a fine, level head in its showed that you could write about what angered and tormented you...but...still have the prescense of mind to write it on paper.....Great job, Jessica!

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