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View User's Journal

Just Anything
I will write as much as I can, About anything mostly poems, which I haven't put up in quite some time.
Who Is This Me I See?

Who is this girl,
I see looking at me?

Do I know her?
Because if so,
My reflection has changed.

I'm not the girl,
I once knew.

Once filled with happiness.
Now filled with hatred and doubt.

I wish I could go back to the me,
I once knew as a child.
But that time has come and flown.

Tell me what has happend,
To me?

Im so unsure of what I'm doing.
I'm afraid I might end up alone.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Jul 13, 2007 @ 04:11pm
Ahh....Great....It is hard to look in the mirror change into a different do not know when it happens.....We as a people...must accept this change...and move forward.

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