IT'S FRIDAAA-AAAYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aww crap, I have a ton of homework though. sweatdrop
But it's still Friday and I'm giving up money hunting time to type, sooo it'll be short... I think, or I could go on and on like the last entry.
Lol, one of my friends would say that I'm wired right now (quick defination for those who don't know, wired= able to power New York City for a week on my hyperness.) it must of been the chocolate, or the gum... hmmm.
Anyway, just to let you peoples know, I'm am currently at 11.3k, so I'm a little nehind schedule, but I have to days to make up whatever I didn't get and I won an avi contest, so I should have 2k comming my way. 3nodding
3nodding And I'm pretty sure I'm finally getting an A in math, my mom's fliiping out over that, and I have to rub it in my sister's face, which kinda makes sense but it's more like I'm rubbing it in that she was right and my GPA will be higher than hers (I have to beat a 3.5 >.< wink which will be pretty damn hard, but hey, sibbling rivarly isn't easy. xd
And I was wrong, this isn't short, or at least it's not on the little blue thingy at the edge of my screen, it's actually getting kinda long..... blaugh
Ergh! My radio is playing crappy hip-hop music.... twisted so, now I must kill it. Well, not really, I'm not horribly violent.... 3nodding
mrgreen Next week is home comming, so that means, dances, costumes, togas (it's a spirit day.. sweatdrop ) students looking like falculty, the usual. 3nodding
And a bonfire 3nodding pretty fire... mrgreen lol.
And I'm back to making my paragraohs sentences... sweatdrop Oh well, I like typing like that, for some odd strange reason.
3nodding I have bowling tomorrow (I'm soooo glad it started up again) and my handicap is only 71! So I get to rub that in my sister face (she has like, a 90-something) And, because I know that if anyone reads this journal then they probaly don't give a damn about bowling, for those of you who don't know what a hanicap is....
It's your average score minused from 200, which is then added onto you final score which theorectically makes the game fair. Not really though because bowlers that bowl 200 games that bowl against someone who can bowl a 200, but has an average of 140, then it gets unfair.... sweatdrop and anyone reading this probaly didn't get a thing I just typed in.... sweatdrop
ninja this is getting longer than I wanted it too but I still have more random nosense to type sooo....
I finally got something less than a 100 in science (Which is ridiculously easy and pointless, kinda like Wellness....)
Crap, I gotta go now, I'll update later.... sweatdrop
Kurai02 · Fri Sep 21, 2007 @ 09:40pm · 0 Comments |