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Nikki's Stuff. It's my stuff. ._.

Community Member
ENTER Yuki Yuzuka: The Spirit Power!
I was walking home in the poring rain. Not that I had a problem with it or anything, I mean, I love the rain. Most of the time.
My parents died when i was around six years ago. Not very pleasant. What's even worse is, I saw who killed them and I couldn't do anything about it. A freaking spirit. It mawled my mother in front of my eyes. I watched her hti the floor. It was huge, with a skeleton face and sharp teeth. I didn't know how i could see it, for my older brother, didn't know what I was talking about. I scremed for him to run away, for if he couldnt' see it, the monster would just kill him without much effort. He saw my motehr hit hte ground, but ntohing htat had caused it. He just stood ther, infront of me...

I watched in horror as the beast sliced my brother over the head with it's masive hand. He tumbled into me, blood pumping out of his body within a matter of seconds. I screamed horribly loud. The beast roared in protest. I looked down to my brother that had landed on top of me. He was dead for I noticed he was no longer breathing. Tears streamed form my eyes as I threw him off of me in order to get up. I ran and ran, getting faster by fear rising in me. I flew out the front door and raced down the street. I don't knwo where I was headed, but I hustled near Uruhara's store. The monster crakced through the roof of my home as I continued to run. Uruhara was the only guy who could protect me. HE was standing outside lie khe was waiting for me. I suddenly rememeberd what Uruhara told me when my brother was working not long ago. "Hollow!" I screamed remembering hte name of the beast. HE nodded "Hurry inside" he told me. Kari, my brother's best friend opened the door and picked me up, shutting the door behind her as she ran to a secret room in the store. I was stil lcrying and tried to wipe my eyes and put my head on her shoulder. "Its okay" she said softly "That thing kileld him!" i whsipered. Kari instantly knew what I was tlakign about, for her eyes went narrow and she set me on the bed quickly. She bit her lip and put her face in her hands. I knew she didnt' want to cry infront of me, for thats what she was trying not to do. "Kari" I said softly. Kari looked up at me, single tewars coming of her chin "HE couldn't see it" I otld her. "The hollow? Well, I can't either..." Kari said slowly. SHe sat on the floor and contined to hold her face. I knew Kari and my brother weren't just friends, Ithink they were actually going out.

Now, later that night, Uruhara came in with a little teary boy with orange hair and brown eyes. He was soaking wet and ters coming down hsi face. "Ichigo?" I mumbled then smiled. Ichigo had been my friend sicne forever. I wondered why he was crying. I hopped of the bed and hugged his neck. Ichigo continued to cry and I tried nto to cry. Uruhara motioned Kari to get up and come over. As soon as she did, he whsiepred somethign in her ear that made Kari look down at little Ichigo.

Kari told me later that Ichigo's mtoehr was found dead. SHe also reasurred me that the Holow was taken care of.

I slapped my head. I hate that memory. It usually comes back into my head every year, on the same day. The 17th. Bad ebough, todays that day. I skip school every year with Ichigo. We go up to our famiie's graves. I live with Ichigo and hsi family. I sleep in a room with Ichigo's little sister, Karin. Not bad. Im usually never home, onyl when i have to sleep or study. Otherwise im in the dojo fighting, or workign on becoming a better death god. IM nto even a death god. I just fight lie kone. I use a sword, actually, two, one for attakc, one for defence. I don't onyl use swoards, i use otehr weopons two. Im good at it two. My strenth is insane when im in spirit form. I usually help out Ichigo and Rukia-

"YUKI!" I heard my name being yeleld out. I turned around, my trina of thought compelatly lost. Rukia was running at me. "What?" I asked.