Many people have a different opinion about life but it is clearly about one thing...... GOD gives you a number of times to make the correct choices or TRIALS as i call them and when you die he will see how well you did and if you did really good of course that means you will be going to HEAVEN and if you did not do to well that means you will go to HELL..... not everyone is good but no one ever said anything about not trying...... I hope you keep this in mind....
i don't think that's nesacarlly true in my opinoin of life. That's not the GOD I know at least. i don't think he gives you number of trials that you have to get correct. I think that he loves us no matter what. just because you make wrong choises doesn't make you a bad person and you're going to hell for it. it doesn't work that way. im not saying "Believe in GOD or you're going to hell!" no. i'm not like that. im just saying GOD himself will never toy with you. NEVER. i have moments in my life that i question Him. "why would he let this happen to me?" is the main one. honestly, i dont know the answer to that. i dont think anyone does. sometimes...i do sins just to do something right and sometimes i just do them. everyone is like that. but He forgives us.