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Fiat iustitia et pereas mundus, et ruant coeli...!
What If ~Updated 1/12~
This What If list started in a dream I had last night. I decided I'd post it. It was really cool actually. Like watching movie a preview XD No, really, I saw the words, then the images and yeah.

What if your best friend was a vampire?
What if the world became overrun by vampires?
What if you were one of the last humans left alive?
What if your friend turned on you?
What if you promised to stick by him?
What if that happened and what now?
(Sounds like some book, don't it?)

What if Christmas was cancelled?
What if your birthday didn't exist?
What if it were day all the time?
What if it were night all the time?
What if they invented a machine that knew everything about everyone?

What if mutant squirrals had a craving for chocolate and wiped out the worlds supply?

What if they made Jak and Daxter into a movie?
What if Oprah and Phil got married? o.o (.....)
What if all the trees died?
What if global warming took effect tomorrow and catastrophe struck?
What if the CEO to TokyoPop decided to cancel Fruits Basket? (never even read it o.o)
What if the AntiChrist showed up and fulfilled the prophecy of Armageddon destruction?; and Judgement Day came early? (DX Sorry, watching History Channel)
What if I forgot what what if means again?

More coming soon... or when I remember the definition of What If (after reading and saying it so many times, it sounds like gibberish)

User Comments: [2]
fkthe freeworld
Community Member

Sat Jan 12, 2008 @ 03:02am

XD Im gonna answer these questions!

-Um..poke them?Then..make them go work for Hellsing>>
-Uh...scream and run in cirles"THIS IS THE END,MY FRIENDS!GATHER WHAT YOU HAVE!" would be like I Am Legend XD
-....uh...say they work for Iscariot...then run away
-Oh...go pester Maxwell thats the answer to everything!
-Id be lost...
-(Maybe*shifty eyes*)

-Id cry and be like"BUNCH O HEATHENS!I want peresents.."*sniffle*XD
-Uh..I wouldnt be alive>>
-I would never ever sleep again o.o
-Id be paler,sleep alot,and look for vampires
-That would be creepy...


fkthe freeworld
Community Member

Tue Jan 15, 2008 @ 05:06am

I shall attempt to answer the others>_>

-I would eat the mutant squirrels?
-I would make everyone watch it twnety times with me.
-o.oHave you gone mad?(Dont answerthat for we all have....)HAS THE WORLD COME TO AN END?*eye twitch*
-Life would be dead as we know it.
-Again,life would be nearly wiped out.
-(Ive read it)Shrug and move on to Hellsing mangas.xD
-Mere mortals would run and flee in terror,praying to their little god.While the strong souls would make whats best of their little pathetic world of lies.The day of Judgement would wipe out nearly all,unless the brave and good hearted stood tall to oppose this fate.
-....<_<No answer.

User Comments: [2]