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Fiat iustitia et pereas mundus, et ruant coeli...!
Carmen (Ren) Knighte ~Update~
Carmen likes to be called Ren. Call her Carmen and she'll KILL you. Not really, she doesn't like killing. (I changed the picture because the other one wouldn't load)
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Ren is Transylvanian and speaks Romanian, but she does know English and some German. She was born in Transylvania and has the accent, but moved to London to become Hellsing's Heavy Weaponry Specialist. She has left Hellsing due to family problems in Romania. Ren is a vampire hunter, having grown up in the offical vampire region. Ren uses a gun similar to the Vulcan Fury v2, but hers is a bit more powerful and it's called the Beam Reflexor v4. It's loaded with bullets in a silver casing all of which are blessed. She's made a few mistakes, but hasn't gotten over them. REN IS NOW 24 YEARS OLD! and can be a little bit arrogant, but overall is a very nice person.
Ren has finally met Selies! When she was 16, she babysat Selies!Aha, and when Selies was 10, Ren babysat her.... (i guess, because I do that sometimes XD)
<.< Carmen has hate issues with herself... She was completely sure that this lady in Bucharest was a vampire and there was an accident... That's another reason why she left Romania to come to England.

I hate... everything about you! She stared at herself in the mirror. You killed her.... an innocent person! "AAAAGGGHHHHH!" Ren through her fist at the mirror, shattering it, bits of glass entering her hand. "N-am facut nimic rău..." I haven't done anything vrong... but I 'ave... She walked away, holding her hand.

::.The Works of Carmen Knighte Revealed.::
~Carmen's Sonata: Amar~
Missfallen nachts
und kalt wie eine Hundeshnauze
wumschenswert am nacht. Ist est angst!

Eu sint teribil
Musca mie din tu nevoie la spre
Innebuni cu singe
Eu singe
a cadea

Cruor. Vereor. Is est bellum. Is est immortalia.

Missfallen nachts
und kalt wie eine Hundeshnauze
wunschenswert am nacht. Ist est angst!

Destul! Haos!
Vad singe
Sun Amar!
Cu voce scazuta el raspunde
'Sunt la bestie! Dracul de la noapte!'

*If You Can Tell Me What That Means, I'll Give You A Cookie Or Somethin!*

La Bestie de Transylvania. Un cruce, si o pistol. Musca mea gular. Glont si singe. La castel de Dracul! Vlad Tepel! Et lamia! Ait, 'Nume est bibendum!' Scoate, acum! M-am ratacit....

If you can figure those out, I'll give ya something! Clues are everywhere! You just have to look o.O

User Comments: [1]
Inu of Baskerville
Community Member

Sat Jan 26, 2008 @ 06:36am

o.o awesome

User Comments: [1]