My color is fading,
My wings are are no more,
My life is shattered,
My heart is torn,
My tears are here for the world to see,
My halo is broken,
My hands are shakey,
My knees gave in,
My vision is blurry,
My chest hurts so bad,
Like a stab wound in my heart,
That will never go away,
That will stay with me forever,
I'm ready to give up,
To give in,
To disappear,
Just like I never existed,
Just like a ghost,
Just like you disapeared,
The whole in my heart is too big to but a bandage on it,
Too big to sew it up,
Too big to put back together,
I try to smile for my friends,
I try to be happy like nothing happend,
I try to pretend that the whole isnt there,
It's too hard to try,
But I give it all I've got,
And they believe me,
At night I let the pain out,
I cry,
I let the tears come,
I don't try to stop them,
Because I know as soon as they stop,
The pain will be greater,
At night I let my life slip away into streams of tears,
I let myself give up,
Give in,
I feel better when I cry,
It's like my kind of high,
And like anyother high,
By morning I feel twice as worse,
But I still get up for my family,
For my friends,
They don't relieze all the pain I have,
They can't see through my camofladge,
So they can't see the whole in my heart,
The tears I cry,
The Pain,
They can't see my world shatter like glass on a hard surface,
And like that too,
They can't fix it,
They can try to glue all the pieces back together,
But it still won't hold,
So I'm giving up,
I'm giving in,
And tonight I'll cry again.