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Fiat iustitia et pereas mundus, et ruant coeli...!
Sabrina! ~Of Millenium~
NOTE: I don't know much about Millenium, so I just thought I'd experiment with RPCs. So yeah... Here it is!
Age: 14 years old
Height: 5' 6''
Bio: Sabrina is a creation of Dok! (Once again, no clue! XD) After watching Millenium for 21 years, she got bored and asked to go do something interesting. So, Millenium sent her to Vatican City to watch Iscariot. Though things didn't turn out as planned... Sabrina ended up following Christopher Steven Hughes to London after hearing about ''pyres". It piqued her curiosity vey much after hearing about vampires from Millenium. So, once in London, Sabrina met Selies Monaghan. "You lookg good to annoy!" Every now and again, she appears on Selies' head (which annoys the crap out of her). But Sabrina knows that one day, she'll have to go back to Millenium and tell them about whatever mischeif Iscariot's up to.
Picture!: User Image
Quotes!: "I am here... or I am there? You confuse me so!"
"That's disturbing.... ye scurvy dogs!" *maniacal laughter* ._.
"Hope may be lost, but it's not yet broken."
"I'm laughing at you on the inside. Seriously."
Abiiiiilitieeees: Sabrina can apparate and has retractable claws, though she doesn't like them much. A favorite weapon of hers is her pistol. She can't do much, but god is she annoying -.o++
(I forgot to mention! I do believe she has a German accent! << Ya >>; )

User Comments: [1]
Inu of Baskerville
Community Member

Thu Feb 28, 2008 @ 06:17am

Sweet! XD Lol she sounds like the female oversion of Schro.XDD Though one thing. You cant really leave millenium that easily. if you could it would stillbe very hard.Another thing.... Shed have to switch religions ya know.>> Because Milleniums religion is...*doesn tremember*Nazis not a religion though. But cool!

User Comments: [1]