It sucks I have no privacy whatsoever, so the teacher can be looking at me the whole time. That`s ok, at least I`m not doing anything wrong, am I? I`m on Outlook [which we`re all of the sudden working on] and I`m not on games while on outlook like other people will do.
Proud? Me? No, not really, I won`t be using this stupid program and if I do, then my job will probably teach it… They don`t ban you from a job by not knowing how to use outlook… i`ve never heard of this thing, and I even had a high school computer class in 7th and 8th grade…
It must just be texass, oh, that pun was very very intended, so what? Sue me. I know Arizona never had any bull…shite, it was not at all conservative, and very open minded, no one even spoke of their religion or how we were going to hell for liking girls and guys, or listening to music that wasn`t about the holy lord, jesus christ or god or what ever, and having piercings. Like I said, sue me.
I wear clothing from places that other people would consider scary, but I also wear clothing from uh, WALMART, and uh, GOODWILL, and uh, HOLLISTER. What`s so wrong with that? I got my lip pierced [twice] because I can! I dyed my hair red, blue and yellow because I can!
My mom is the only thing that really made me want to get piercings, but for the unnatural hair… that`s other people`s faults… Like some of the teachers here at Van, Mrs. Nations or mRs. Mitchell, no offence toward either, but power to `em… deviating from the norm by trying to be different by not being the same as everyone else.
To me, if you try to look conservative, by wearing clothing that everyone approves of universaly, then you should really have a reality check. You`re yourself, not a drone or robot if you will sent on thi s earth from where ever, [no one knows you know.] to live the life people said is to be lived. Only YOU can choose how you can live your life [pardon the Smoky the Bear tone {keep the matches to yourself kids}.] no one else.
As for your religion, keep it to yourself… I know you`re suppose to go forth and tell about jesus and stuff like that, but keep it on a downlow, tell when you`ve been asked. I don`t need your two cents. Oh, but if you keep it to yourself, and don`t tell people the word of god, is that a sin? It doesn`t matter, just ask for forgiveness like you always do then do it again. Ahhh, the biggest sin of all time, Sinning then asking for forgiveness just to do it again. Check yourself before you wreck yourself. We all have different perspectives, and no one is right, but no one is wrong either, so if I`m wiccan, and you`re a christian, I don`t care, I`m not supposed to press my religion on you, only if you ask am I suppose to tell. And if you think I`m some devil worshipper or that my magick is a foothole for the devil, CHECK YOURSELFFFFFF. JEWS WERE THE BEST AT WITCHCRAFT, AND WHO WAS A JEW!? JESUS.
Our spells and rituals are like your prayers and hymns. We worship God, and the Goddess. It`s actually a trinity, but anyway. I am a child of nature, and of god. DEAL, LEAVE ME ALONE.
Im not sure if I should pity you if you`re like how I just discribed. I`m not sure if anyone should.
Me? A hypocrite? How so? Oh, by telling you you shouldn`t be like the rest of us and to deviate from the norm?
Not at all, like I said, reality check… I may be a bit impulsive, but when things rack my mind like they have been, I think it thouroughly.
sylawen · Tue Mar 25, 2008 @ 02:46pm · 0 Comments |