m'k sry zaly and sethy if u dont like how u look but too bad XP
sethy's,kila's(katie wolfie),and zaly's POV
all of them land on there heads like shikyo
sethy:'owww' /damn the last thing i remember is walking to the store to see if shikyo was still there and then i was falling and now i land on my head /
********' /i was just on my way to see big sister at the store now im here -.-/(im her sister if you didnt know)
zaly:'AHH'/damn that ky/
*all stands up and looks around*
zaly:'weres shikyo' *cant find me*
kila:'did you have to do with this were is my sister and what did you do to her??'
sethy:'hey zal'
zaly:'hey vamp dude' /hehe/
sethy:-.- 'why do you call me that' /sigh/
zaly:'cause its fun" /^_^/
so after the meeting kila asks again and zaly tells them ever detailthen they notice that there not there selfs (they look diffrenttthan usual like me)
kila:sept here eyes are like a hazel and she wears her short hair down

oh ya i forgoy ky so here

kila:'hmm kool" /CHA!!/
sethy:'sweet" /hehe cool/
zaly: 'awsome!!' /ya/
shikyo's and ky's POV
ky:*looks on radar and sees 3 dots or people on the grid* 'shikyo look' /i think it might be them/
shikyo:*stares closely* /hmm/
ky: "??? what are you doing???' /whaa/
shikyo:'its not them' /its not T.T i miss them/
ky:'it might and how would you know???' /she thinks she knows everything /
ky:'well i dont care i say it is and you dont have to come'
shikyo:'no i am what if they attack they will out number you by 2 if i come then it woult be a problem' *follows*
soon they get there but dont see there friends they see other people shikyo was right but how
ky:'how did you know'
shikyo:'because they were close so close that kila would have smelt me and would be runing'
ky:'smell?!?' /is she like a dog/
shikyo:'kila has a demond in her that is wolf you do the math' /i told youuu/
ky: 'freak'
shikyo: *punches ky in the jaw w/ an emotionless look on her face*
ky:'oww' *rubs jaw*
shikyo: *glare*
ky:*sees glare and shakes in fear*
shikyo:'dont ever insualt her EVER'
ky:'oh im sry' /sheeesh/
3ppl of unknown(2 girls and a boy one of the girls is hand cuffed to the boy): 'you 2 what is your bisness here'
ky:'were looking for our friends'
shikyo: 'lemme handel this '
ky:'m'k be careful and try not get in a fight'
the unhandcuffed girl:'no matter were going to kill you by the way my names selia'
shikyo:'wow ur an idiot if you think your going to kill me' /stupid foolish girl/
the guy: 'selia would it kill you to be pactiont oh weil were learning names mine is fuyu and this here' *points to other girl* 'is resia'
shikyo&ky: *see fear in resia's eye*
shikyo:'hey resia gess what....
im ending it there ^_^
shikyo1455 · Tue Mar 25, 2008 @ 11:55pm · 4 Comments |