Noooo, Aqua's gonna whine again!! |
And whine I shall! XO Let's move onto tonight's line of discussion; why Aqua's had ban threats waved over her head jokingly by her friends.
So... Gaia's been a little tough on me lately. CB is tough, but I manage to stick it through, but no boys and girls, that's not what tonight's ranty-ish-ness journal entry is about. Far from it.
More like... answering the question I posed up there. *points*
Right... no matter what ANY of you say, I reeefuuseee to believe that I'm a really hardworking mod *not unless certain people wave said ban threats over my head again... gonk *. All I've been doing is try to do my best in the neverending queue. While this may seem silly to some people, both my left -and- right wrists are feeling the effects of my crazed modding forays. Both, after about 3-4 hours of straight modding *breaking only for dinner*, will "lock up" on me, or grow so sore and stiff that I can barely type any more for that night because I'm so stiff and it hurts so much. Which really sucks, because I really really want to do my part and help out everyone to the maximum of my abilities.
Damn scrawny asian wrists... *shakes fist at them*
So lately, I've been a little whiny to the other mods and some of my friends. I'm sorry you guys, I don't mean to!! cry Lessee... at least 10 mods and admins and goodness-knows-how-many of my friends tell me that I should stop, but I can't, y'know? If I can do it, and with how shorthanded we are right now with mods on break or vacation, I have to do all I can to help.
See why I get ban threats waved over my head now? ^^;; Because i'm irrational, pig-headed, and stubborn as hell about my job. Some don't think modding's very hard, but believe me, you have no idea sometimes.
*twinge* Ow... right wrist that time. ._.;
Moving on, my life is now a nice little cycle.
Sleep. Mod. Work. Mod. Sleep. Fit eating somewhere in during work and 2nd mod session, and you have basically what I do every day. A little worrisome, perhaps... hm.
But modding is not just reports, oh no. It's also handling irate users demanding to know why their signature was disabled (9/10 times, it's been for file size, you dinks. XP), users claiming that I'm being unfair or I'm "singling [them] out" despite the fact that I am only doing my job, users chewing me out for being lazy *via PMs*, or users begging for gold or items.
Boy, I wish I could disable my PMs except for friends sometimes... gonk But I know I can't. That's a cop-out and I wouldn't be able to do the job that the admins have given me.
But on that note though, I would like to thank Jjmvideogamer for the really nice conversation we had tonight. Despite me being rather irrational and feeling rather "singled out" myself because of my physical limitations, you still accepted my feelings and stance on what was being discussed and came to understand what we as moderators do for the site. Not many users would take the time to do this, nor try to understand why we are like we are, and I would like to thank you for that.
So now, onto the "work" that I am referring to. I am actually now dutifully employed at Meier and Frank as a sales associate, so every day *just about*, I'm on my feet walking, standing, and servicing customers. I don't take breaks and I rarely eat unless I'm about to die.
Which happens at times. XP
So I get physically "run through the wringer", then I come home and hp right onto Gaia because I know that without my activity, someone else had to "pick up the slack" that I let go. ;;
This mentality of mine is shortening my life span or someting... or it's gonna sooner or later. .-.;; Because there went my left wrist, and when left twinges, I'm in the "danger zone", even with both braces on.
Finally to wrap up this rather whiny, self-centered entry, showing off my new shinies. XD
Created by Uncle Sky Render (ShyRomance is my mod daddy, Wolfie is my mod mommy ^^), he said he was inspired after one of my "marathon" runs in the CB queue. No, he's not taking commissions, please do NOT PM him asking, no, I do not play MTG ( sweatdrop ), but yes, I know it's chou-looking. ^^ *luffs on her uncle*
See, things like these only make me disbelieve other people's claims that I'm the "best moderator" out there. I have my limitations, but everyone on the team is equally good. redface So... yah...
Commissioned by tray_broken and created by chronowings, an adorable banner that features me in the "black" outfit and a Halo. ^^;
Ooooh, double twinge that time. Bed for me, then I need to wake up in 5 hours (6:30am-ish) to go cut tree branches down in the backyard before the weather gets too hot, then go to work. ;_; Gonna be another long, tiring day...
Aquafire · Sun Jul 31, 2005 @ 09:11am · 9 Comments |