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Fiat iustitia et pereas mundus, et ruant coeli...!
Overly Descriptive Settings (Updated 5-28)
NOTES: Well.... I'm bored and I have a lot of time on my hands today.. So here are some overly descriptive settings. The cool thing about settings is that they can be like anything, anywhere, anytime! You have to describe the feelings it gives you, what it smells like, EVERYTHING. Those bland 'forest' settings are exactly that. A forest. Is this forest located by a town or city? If so, what is the name? What continent? Region? Climate type? Country? Is it day, evening, morning, dusk, dawn, night? What time specifically? Settings are really what make the RP fun, save the RPCs and your friends who are roleplaying with you ^-^. And if you're in just a.... 'city'.... What's it's name? Where is it; continent, region, country, county? Where exactly in the city are you? What street? Road? Make it up if you must, but i has to be there! Also.... If you're in a store, that store has a NAME!!!! Well... What is it? And Lastly... Boarding Schools.... Don't we get enough school already? YES WE DO, SO SCREW B-SCHOOL!!!! Oh yeah.... It's OK to not have street names and addresses... It gets WAY too confuzzlin.

Setting #1: It's nighttime, around 11:30am to be exact. You're wandering a street of London, which is by a church near the outskirts. Kensington forest/park is nearby as well. It seems eerie to you; almost no one else is around. It's just you and a few other people. A slight fog is settled above the street and with a full moon's rays shining down on that area, the feeling of eerieness slowly turns into paranoia. Earlier that evening... There had been a murder in an apartment complex in that part of town by some random guy. He didn't dispose of the body, just shot the woman and got VERY far away. As a matter of fact... that complex is just a block away from the church. The year is 2008. It is... October. (My favorite month xD)
(However I come up with this stuff, I do not know...)

Setting #2: You're in the famous opera house of France, where the rumours of a Phantom originated. The Phantom however is on vacation, so you won't be seeing him. (HINT HINT, HE AIN'T THERE) A masquerade ball is being held in that Opera house which you are attending of course. It's snowing outside and the new moon leaves it dark outside. The time is about midnight... Notre Dame is just around the corner from this famous opera house. The entire building is lit by candles. Many creepy chambers and dungeons are underneath the floors. In the opera house, you will find the performance hall, ball room, dungeons, and rafters. Outside, there is the roof. But be careful... There's a very long 100ft drop to the bottom. It's year 2008, October.
(MWUAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!! Yes... don't fall my pretties... MWAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! o.o Dun ask.... It's past midnight and I have a laptop next to meh bed -.- What am I supposed to do?! Ignore it? As if! XD)

Ahem.. *stands at a mic.* I'd like to thank you all for attending my slightly boring performance of "Settings: How to use them and examples". If you have any setting requests, comment and I will do my best to fulfill them to my fullest extent. Thank you again, and goodnight! *straigtens tie and disappears laughing maniacally* AHAHAHAHMUWWAHAHAHAHHHWAHAHAHHAHHAHHHHHHwahhhhhh.......

#3: Midnight in Amityville, NewYork, which is haunted by restless spirits. DOwn nearly every corner, you'll find some paranormal being. Some are dangerous, others are not. The residents of Amityville are all frightened of the ghosts, but some people know how to handle themselves. There's a park, forest, and urban area of Amityville.

#4: A dense fog settled over the town and forest, blanketing the whole area in a cold, silvery mist. Boulder was always cold and wet this time of year. The townsfolk all prepared for this night. Something was at unease this night. THe sky was darker than usual. The rain was colder than normal... The fog was heavier than any night this month. This was the one night of the year that all demonic beings of different sorts could use their power to its fullest and wreak havoc as they pleased. All of them. This was their Christmas and it was always a night to remember. It always took place on a full moon and on a cloudy night, like this one. This occasion has no determined name; You just know it's there. The citizens of Boulder all went to bed early on this night. They were safe inside their homes. It's a small town up in the mountains, so nearly everyone knew about the tradition. They'd all be asleep by 9:00pm. This setting takes place at midnight in Boulder, a small lake near the town, and the surrounding forest.

User Comments: [1]
Inu of Baskerville
Community Member

Thu Apr 03, 2008 @ 11:54pm

UGH I ABSOLUTELY DESPISE B-SCHOOL SETTINGS!!!! D< Dont we go through enough of school?? I tottally agree with you Selies!

XD I see you like October. So do I..cuz thats meh birthday month! :3 No I love your settings. Theyre awesomely awesome! I especially like the Opera/Masquearde one. I cant wait to try em out! ^w^

User Comments: [1]