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???? wat does this mean???????
ok, now i get this
blaugh NOW I UNDERSTAND!!!! wats bbcode? some1 plz tell me.

anyway, our 8th grade dance is comin up, & in so excited! blaugh im also nervous...ive nvr been 2 a dance b4!! gonk sweatdrop but i just got my dress, & its really pretty!!

it goes down 2 my knees, & theres a black ribbon @ the bottom & 1 lining the low-ish v-neck, & 1 rite under my....yeah.....anyway, it has really short sleeves and its blue, black, grey, & white w/ strippes and polka dots & circles all over it. IM SO EXCITED!!!!
xd blaugh rofl biggrin eek and nervous.....

but then i also say this dress that was black w/ small white polka dots. its a halter top, and rite @ the bottom of my....between my....theres this ring of stones that holds on the tie, & the dress is so soft & cool & it goes down 2 my knees 2.

WHICH 1 DO I GET?!?!?! sweatdrop dramallama