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Fiat iustitia et pereas mundus, et ruant coeli...!
Traitor In Our Midst
Notes: I haven't written anything poetic, or any stories lately. I'm sorry. I've been tired, I hurt, and utterly bored. I now have reason to write. Enjoy.

There is a traitor in our midst... He befriends us, becomes one of us. But he is a traitor nonetheless. For those of you who do not meet him, you are lucky; you are blessed.He could make us laugh, but he's betrayed us. Don't listen to a word he says, or you'll fall into the lie as well. There is a traitor in our midst, who crawls so deep in the darknes; his dwellings.He's hurt me and even others. Now it's time that we strike back.They've been foolish and are not seeing through this lie. They're protecting the traitor. But some have seen what he truly is. A monster that must be banished.This traitor is a sly one, but not for much longer. We will fight back and break the equilibrium. There is a traitor in our midst... But don't be fooled.

More Notes: I'm very angry right now. I wish there were something I could do, but this traitor is being protected by my friends. I wish they would see through his facade. I wish they would see on their own.

User Comments: [1]
Inu of Baskerville
Community Member

Mon May 19, 2008 @ 09:54pm

Oh wow.... O_O Thats...deep. Dont worry,vengance will be yours. However,if you take too much of it,you can be consumed by it. Depressing,truthfully...

User Comments: [1]