I know you're all used to my endless excuses for my lateness so I've decided to stop using them! biggrin
.....Okay, well, yeah, I simply am going to post the lineart here until April finishes up the toning (due to my lack of organization). It will be posted tonight at 9pm Eastern Standard time. Come back to see little updates in the Annoucement!
Edited: May 25th
Well, April should be done any time now! As for my comments on the page I think I'll just simply say that I'm happy with the characters... not so much with the paneling. I had another idea before but I think it was still too risky to use since I still have zero knowledge in how to panel a comic. I just sort of base it off manga I already own. I do have to agree with a certain someone in the bottom comments...
I really like how my Chibi-Bubbleh & my Bella came out. Once April's coloring comes in then I'll finish up my comment! And even if the other page goes out before the tones are up, I'll still PM the people who commented for this page in a separate PM. Thanks to those who commented. heart I really appreciate it.
Next Page: May 25th
To All readers! Please try to get your friends to read this! I want to cause enough of a stir to get my journal put in the Featured Journal section on Gaia. So the more peeps that know about my manga the more attention I will get. So tell everyone, that if they like this they should comment, recommend and spread the word! I've met people who say they read but have never posted a comment. So maybe this will encourage them to!
Also, to get my journal in the Featured Journal section PLEASE select the recommend button under "Gaia Journals" up top of your journal options.
BOWBS Thread For news, info and discussion of BOWBS manga, please click on the link and join the fun! I'll also be answering questions there as well, do feel free to subscribe and discuss with other BOWBS readers. smile
BlackFireAngel26 · Community Member · Tue May 20, 2008 @ 09:35pm
Second! x]
Edit: Looks awesome!!
XvXYuNiEXvX · Community Member · Wed May 21, 2008 @ 01:13am
LOL. Jb looks SOOOO much like Tamaki, it's VERY funny. poor him, pouting about a customer. he should go to bikini bottom. Everyone's happy there (except for squidward...)!
Brair Moss · Community Member · Wed May 21, 2008 @ 11:38am
No work is no good... And I don't know if it's just me, but it seems like Alba is the one speaking that last sentence when I look at it... Can't wait for the next page!... well... I can... but I'd rather not.
The Kovie · Community Member · Wed May 21, 2008 @ 02:43pm
Awesome but I still can't wait for April's coloring! biggrin *Will edit once April's toning is in*
And Brair: Who are you talking about? I think you have your Josh's crossed. lol JB is the one looking in the window and Josh is the one pouting about the client. Also, I don't find he looks like Tamaki at all. It's time to watch another anime to broaden your horizons! LOL
Kovie: I don't find that at all. I mean, he's sighing in the panel so we know it's impossible for him to be talking. Even without reading the text. I dunno, I can kinda tell right away. Also it's in a different font so you know it's not normal speech.
P.S: Alba looks pretty! biggrin And I like the motion Bella's making. biggrin
Shinja_Mizuno · Community Member · Wed May 21, 2008 @ 04:32pm
I think everyone's waiting for the toned page but I still like the line work. Great job on my eye! wink Actually, everyone looks good! *whistles at sexy Bella & at cute Bubbleh*
Josh_JB_Benton · Community Member · Fri May 23, 2008 @ 08:20pm
Aww poor Alba!
Fiare La Amato · Community Member · Sat May 24, 2008 @ 05:40am
woot luvin it ^^ hey bte, how do you like my new avatar? XDD
MrNailVT · Community Member · Sun May 25, 2008 @ 01:31am
I managed to miss two updates.. Shame on me. biggrin
xd I love JB. He regularly stares out the window like he's watching for the enemy? lol. And I really like Bubbleh's reaction in the following panel. biggrin
EDIT: The tones add some really nice drama to JB and Josh's panels. biggrin
euclids_triangle · Community Member · Mon May 26, 2008 @ 10:57pm