It was pretty boring up there. We didn't do much. Me and John hung out at the beach all day. Nick and Kayley were there again this year and they were just as annoying. The older Kayley (Not Nick's sister) was a lot nicer this year still creepy but nicer. She brought her friend Tracey who ended up crushing on me. I hated being around her. She was a total stoner. Since I didn't really talk to her much and I obviously wasn't going to smile around her she called me Broken Face. Though we all ended up sleeping together on the beach together on the last day. Tracey was high and if I didn't know any better I would've thought John was too. I have to admit star gazing was pretty fun, at least till John started snoring. xD The blankets we set down on the beach were a bit small so we all had to squeeze together and I was pretty much sandwiched. I woke up early and then I woke up John and Tracey. Kayley went back to the cabin without us. It would've been weird if we woke up and there were people hanging out on the beach.
The phone service up there was horrible. I could send a whole bunch of text's and only a couple would get through.
I'm kinda' glad to be back home.
Alpharhythm · Sun Jun 22, 2008 @ 06:40am · 1 Comments |