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Umi's journal
as if I owe you any explination. I believe it's quite obvious.
Two down, One to go
This unseemly little adventure is coming to a very anticlimactic close. I was hoping that the eldest demon-slayer would be the last one left alive. Alas, He was slain quite promptly. However my elder brother Moungin was felled as well as our accomplice, Fae. And so two more of my people fall to the Slayer's blade. I myself had to put Fae out of her misery, as the late slayer's poison was slowly and painfully spreading throughout her system. So now the last Slayer left to be slain is the child who fled in cowardice of her inevitable demise. As soon as she is tracked down, her defeat will be swift and her death quite slow. I think I shall greatly enjoy this deadly game of hide-and-seek. heart