I wondered at how much my roleplay characters have evolved or changed to fit the stories that I place them it. Here is a list of them as I came up with them, and a few little quirks about them.
Gilraen Itaredel (Original)
 Always falls out of trees.
Cloud/Coran. (Shifter)

 Eventually got stuck as Coran.
The Twins (Laraliea and Dravon) Half-weres

 Dravon was the level-headed one of the two. Lara got into fights quite a bit. The teens got stuck with an orphaned baby.
Isaac and his sister Kara (Pyros)
 Isaac was very nervous around women. (Ironically) He was the first to enter a relationship which lasted until the other role player (Julie) stopped coming. Her character was... Danielle 
 Leon. He didn't get to well developed, but he's a little like a blond, non-vampric version of Daniel. A little rougher, though.
 Mona. I couldn't find her original picture... Little sister of my albino, Ryou.
 Stella. Gil's annoying older sister.
Anjeka · Wed Sep 17, 2008 @ 01:33am · 0 Comments |