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???? wat does this mean???????
OMG HOMECOMING ROCKED!!! im a freshman this year & last nite was my 1st homecoming. everything was normal until about 30 mins from the end (11:00) THE FIRE ALARM GOES OFF!!! & all the girls had taken off all their shoes & we all in the chorus room so i didnt kno if i shud put on my shoes or leave them...i put them on, & we all go outside & its POURING & every1's dresses r dry clean only! xd eek emo so the the fire dept. wahmbulance shows up w/ the paramedics then we find out tht after the alarm was pulled (as a joke) some1 passed out (they're fine) so then after we're all soaked we went bak in & then we all started dancing lik nutin had happened (weird... xd blaugh stare ninja ) and the its time 2 go & the alarm is pulled AGAIN!! but every1's already outside so its ok & it had stopped raining..then i stepped in a puddle & it was COLD!!! xd crying gonk eek mrgreen then we went to my friend's house (blackroses cool 4 an after homecoming party thing & stayed up til 4 & im EXHAUSTED!! lol xd biggrin anyway it was fun but our feet hurt biggrin im gonna go 2 bed now...-_- zzzzzzzzzzz biggrin mrgreen heart ninja burning_eyes