Dear Journal,
I'm not even gunna say it... nope... I'm not... I'm really not... I-- I-- I'm s-- Okay! I'm so sorry! I really am! gonk
After graduating from my training class, my schedule changed to 12pm - 9pm with two fifteen minute breaks and an hour lunch.
I suppose you'd like to know what's new, huh? Okay:
Well, I have a place of my own now; I got my car paied off; I had a great time at Medieval Times (x2. I took my roomie for her birthday!); I have a boyfriend now; I no longer have Alltel as a SP, I have Verizon Wireless now, and I got a pink BlackBerry Curve; and I was able to go back to the Texas Renaissance Festival! (See Pictures below.)
Other than that, I haven't done anything exciting. Just work. sweatdrop I'll try to keep you updated more. 3nodding
Texas Renaissance Festival Pictures:

Hope you enjoy the pictures!
Loves and God's Best, Tora-chan, Nya! =^w^= heart
Tora Yukino · Sun Nov 02, 2008 @ 10:34pm · 1 Comments |