I'm at School, in the LABORATORY!!! |

Yup, that I am.
Kyle's with me. Say something, Kyle!
Kyle: There's nothing to say.
Well, that's it from Kyle. He's not feeling too creative at the moment. Too busy trying to make sense of sacreligious symbolism. Oh fun. Personally, I think there should have been more gratuitous touching in their presentation, but that's just my opinion. I get everyone to touch each other in the ritual we're doing, so it's all good. wink
We've got some gypsy music/punk music from eastern Europe on. Huzzah. The teacher next door loves me and lets me go on the computers all the time. I'm going to so waste my print credits sooner or later, until Peter buys ink. Peter really needs to buy ink.
I had this dream, and it was a really, really, really good dream. Of course, if I actually were to type it, odds are Kyle would look over and be all "OMGzzorshack! You actually..." etc etc etc teasing, more teasing. Yep, so not going to actually type out said dream. I'll just reiterate how very, very good it was.
Haha Kyle, I'm typing faster than you.
Kyle: ...what?
...and now he's dancing like an otter. He actually seems to like ottering. Man, in Montreal, he was SUCH an otter. So was Karen, though not quite as much.
Anyhow...blah blah blah bleeeeeh
My friend is continually not feeling well and I can't really help her at all and she doesn't really ever want to do stuff. It really sucks, y'know, but I understand because she's got some actual STUFF, and a hell of a lot more than I. My dad was kind of insensitive about it.
My dad needs to ******** QUIT SMOKING and if he doesn't I'll ream him out like hell and no tomorrow. Christ, I hope he realizes that it's HIS damn nicotene addiction that's helping to cause all the crap for me. Tracy had already QUIT, and then started again.
It's a lovely work.
Renee the Rabid Squirrel · Fri Oct 21, 2005 @ 06:44pm · 1 Comments |