It was dark and the ground moved under her. She has been standing for several hours now, not really comfortable sitting in the dark. She had put in this box of a make shift prison She pulled on the binds on her wrists, tying her to the wagon they were transporting her in. Her red eyes glowed as she could tell every detail of the box that hid her. She smirked evily,feeling the bumps and hills of the road, memorizing it all. She knew she would be walking on foot soon. They can't hold her forever. Escape was her speciality. Of course why escape when she knew the party of guards were being trailed by someone, or something. She didn't care but it made everything all the more fun. She didn't know exactly where they were taking her but she knew they would stop for the night in about a hour or they would arrive at her destination. She was quiet the entire trip and it worried the guards, she could sense the fear. She launched forward, not having anticipated the sudden halt of the wagon. Her face went expressionless as she listened for a sound of trouble or arrival.