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I MellosChocolateBar I
Community Member
Wise Words
OKAY one day my cousin, Julian came over and said want to hear something? i said why not? so he tells me a story that goes like this... ONE DAY scream ... my cousins friend was sitting next to my cousin in class so he says to Julian..'' aw duude i gotta fart sweatdrop '' so my cousin says '' then fart quietly '' so his friend farted and it was LOUD!! xp SO EVERYONE WAS LAUGHING n then the friend turns to my cousin and says... i think i shted my self, so the friend walks up to the teacher n says teacher...i have poop in my pants crying scream 3nodding xd 4laugh rofl

another time when Julian visited me i was following my brother to my room where Julian was taking a lil nap so my bro turns to me n says watch me watch.. so my bro jason walks up to julian turns around and farts in his face rofl so julian wakes up n says aw man thats nasty... rofl so i was dieing of laughter and later that day my bro was playing video games and then julian farts in his face loudly and i was alrdy dead on the floor laughing but then....the smell wahmbulance wahmbulance so we ran outa there in a flash...

Now lemme tell u somethng that happened to me... My lil chihuahua Kayko was laying nxt to me under the blankets taking up MY SPACE but i didnt wanna move her bc shes rly aggresive sweatdrop so i poked her to see if she was up n she was so she was growling and then when i moved my hand away she BIT MY FINGER scream IT LEFT A MARK! i was bleeding! but n e way that shocked me so i fell off my bed lol...