Not that it's a bad thing, I like snow. I just don't like cold, that's all.
The beautiful snow scene I saw when I was sitting in the train, heading to Zizima's place was something I can't describe with words.
The sky was dyed in the colors of pastel purple.
The snow... It was purest of white.
The scenery made me feel relaxed.
Like I finally had some kind of peace in my mind.
I could've just let myself slip into a deep slumber, just watching the snow scene in my own dream world.
Just when I was about to fall into my own dream world, I was awakened by my friend.
Ah, yes. Nanuto.
She told that we were almost at Zizima's place.
Yes, my own dream world with the purple-dyed snow scene would now really become a dream.
Yet as I stepped out of the train...
I swear, my body would once again come to life.
~ Dai-chan