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what some ppl may call a journal
jus some random stuff, my thoughts, lyrics, poems, ect....
Heart of a Friend {Unwanted Poetry}
Ok's hey's this is a poem i wrote for meh best friend. Hope ya like it. It's probably not that good but hey tell me what you think! Oh and give me an idea for the title of it cuz i have no clue! >.<

She lies there broken hearted
Tears falling Knowing he doesnt care
She loves him
Yet unfortunately he doesnt have a clue
Why oh why
Should she waste her love on him
When he just seems to break her heart
At every glance or thought
Please help her mend that broken heart

P.S. -glomps Shawn- Thank you Shawn for the comment!!! And for the title! ^.^

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Feb 14, 2009 @ 11:59pm
I like it. Great poem heart

Hmmm... Idea for a title: Heart of a Friend

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