†Love is like chocolate....
I'm so bored...
And Valentine's day is coming up! biggrin
I'm going to make chocolate from scratch, starting with the beans!
I've never made chocolate before, so this will be a hard!
But it's nice to try new things sometimes.
But I think I'll also make some chocolate from a normal chocolate bar too, just in case..
I'm writing down one of my manga's, finally! biggrin
I just found out you can volunteer to go to all these different places to save animals and stuff!
It sounds really awesome!
It makes me feel like there's so much I can do to help.
I don't write that much here, but I got really bored, so I just thought that I might come here anyway.
It would be nice if I was more poetic.
Then I coulld write poems here or something.
Oh well, and bye then!
... it's good while it lasts.†