Username: ME! (of course, if its anyone else... >.> hacker) Name: Age: 19(?) Status: Trainer(advanced) Font color: Saddle Brown Appearance:  Bio: I came from Saffron city, the big, bustling city practically made of money. My parents gave me a pidgy (now my beloved pidgeot). I met _____ on my way from the city, and we decided to stick together, the country bumpkin and I, as safety is in numbers (for it isn't smart for a girl o be walking alone in the dark). I set out to explore the region, determined to beat all of the trainers I can. Upon these journeys, I met and befriend a poocheyena (now my mighteyena), my skarmory, and, most recently, my dratini. I have 6 of the 8 badges, and I would have more, if my pidgeot hadn't been mortally (nearly) injured when Team Iron barged in, blowing up the side of the building, a portion of the ceiling fell on top of my pidgeot, severely mangling a wing. Nurse Joy deemed him unable to continue his battling career, and I stopped battling to help my pidgeot recover. That was 2 years ago.
Now, he's well on his way to recovery. He can fly, just for no long periods of time. We battle sometimes, but it exhausts him, no matter how much he enjoys it. I still battle and train my other Pokemon now, though.
So now I travel with ______, and encourage and judge many of the contests (fairly, of course). Pokemon: Pidgeot(companion): Facade Tailwind Wing attack Endure
Skarmory: Steel wing Curse Sandstorm Night Slash
Mighteyena: Ice Fang Thunder Fang Fire Fang Bite
Dratini: Thunder Ice beam Iron tail Protect
Wings of Hindrence RP Name Gayle Force Age19 World Kanto Region, original world professionTrainer Pokemon Team Pidgeot, Mightyena, Skarmory, Dragonair, Flygon personality Gayle is a passive individual who is genreally laid back, mild, and cares not to get involved in violent battles. She has many secrets, and her mild and quiet personality helps to hide those secrets. BioGayle was initially a naive trainer planning on being the best she could be and defeating the elite four. Everything was going as planned, until she battled the eigth gym with her pidgeot and a wall fell on the pokemon. From that point on, Pidgeot wasn't able to battle well, because it's wing was mangled beyong saving. However, Gayle didn't let that stop her. She beat the gym leader aafter some difficulty, and went on to defeat the elite four. She applied for a position there, and got the second spot. Still fairly new at the job, no one really knows that she is now of the elite four. She raised a new team for the type she was to battle with. It consisted of tropius, skarmory, dodrio, flygon, xatu, and Altaria; a flying team. She usually leaves them behind at Indigo plateau when she goes traveling, and occasionaly takes them with her. Badges Boulder, Cascade, Thunder, Rainbow, Soul, Marsh, Volcano, and Earth badges otherN/A
Aribis · Sat Feb 21, 2009 @ 08:13pm · 1 Comments |