it all started hunderds of years ago before anyone of us were born. Lucifer the angel of judgment and Michael the holy Arch angel got into an argument over who was importent. It turned into a god likes me best contest which exploded into all out war. Each side had their own angel's and creatures supporting them and it become the worst sibiling rivalry battle in history. The fight was so fierce the clashes of the two opposing enegries threatened to tear the world apart. The council of gods finnaly decided to step in and stopped all the fightening. As punishment for not being able to get along Lucifer and Michael were banished to the human word cursed to forever uphold the balance of darkness and light. Everytime the balance was offset the chosen one would take up the orb of balance and house the two opposing forces within their body until they reached the temple of balance which would restore the natural order. The two would be forced to play out this nightmare until they learned to get along. And begins..
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