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Umi's journal
as if I owe you any explination. I believe it's quite obvious.
User: Karime Blackwing
Name: Imacori Nauct
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Experience: She has been thieving for about 13 years now.
Rank: Ganon's pupil- Courage
Powers:Flame-dagger spell, fire wheel, temporary disappearing spell, and flare (momentary blindness)
Background: Imacori was born into the clan, and from a young age showed a great potential for magic. As such, and recognizing this fact, her mother brought her to Ganon when she was a toddler, and the Wizard, also seeing the potential, agreed to take her in as one of his pupils.
Since then, she has always tried her best to please Ganon, seeing his approval as the only title she would ever need, and probably took everything far too emotionally. But, she wasn't as cold as the others were.
When she was fourteen, she was trying to practice her getaway, leaping from building to building. When she misstepped one landing, she tumbled down two stories and broke her left leg, at the kneecap. She recovered, but isn't quite as quick with that leg now. So she honed her skills in her magic, focusing on what made her stand out in the first place.
Weaknesses: Ima is very easily distracted, she has poor defense, and has a slow left leg (the result of her injury)
Apperance: User Image