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Umi's journal
as if I owe you any explination. I believe it's quite obvious.
Name: Project X
Age: 3 years (looks about 20)
Rank: experimental stage
Gender: male (?)
Bio: X has been the culmination of all the Institute's studies. Genetically created in a lab, he has the advantage that he was 'born' with the dragon spirit, unlike the other artificials. He is the youngest, but not considered their rank, rather, above it. He has not yet been approved to go outside of the lab.
Defect: He has not yet reached full maturity. As such, he is not yet at full strength, and prone to dying. He is very unstable, and if he fights for too long, he could shut down and die.
Apperance: User Image

Name: Enki
Age: 25
Rank: Oldest, best fighter
Gender: Male
Bio: Enki became involved with the experiments at about four years old, when his parents, poor and desperate for money, sold him off to the Institute. He tries his hardest to do well, and was one of the first (if not THE first) of the spirit experiments to live through the binding process by which the spirits were forced into their vessels. Being there in the most primitive stages, The effects of the binding had a much worse effect on him than it would the later experiments, because by that time they had developed smoother transitions. His entire torso is scarred from where the spirit was literally stitched into him, but he prefers to keep that covered. Enki is a quiet man, who smiles often and laughs little. He is the unofficial leader of the five warriors. Because he lost his name years ago in his childhood, he has a big problem with finding a sense of 'self' but tries not to let his companions see that. He detests any weakness, in himself or others. Also a bit of a masochist, he seems to enjoy pain.
Defect: The experimentation had a severe effect on Enki's lungs, and any solid blow to the chest will send him into horrific coughing spasms, sometimes even coughing up blood.
Apperance: User Image

Name: Koni Regin
Age: 14
Rank: Youngest, fourth best fighter
Gender: Male
Bio: Koni was the child of one of the Institute's patrons. As such, he grew up in the lab. Being run in tests, poked and prodded. He never knew any of the maternal emotions that the human species typically needs to receive. As such, he turned out kind of... weird. He was very excited when the time came to be bound to his spirit,and it was an incredible experience for him, despite the fact that by the time he went through the process all of the most painful elements had been rooted out of the procedure. He is a very loud and obnoxious kid, and always wants to be the center of attention. He is always grinning, especially when he gets to tear things apart. He is very destructive, a point in his personality which might yet be his downfall. He is also the most adept at reaching 'spectral form', the state in which one assumes their dragon-like guise. He can reach this state faster and sooner than any of the others.
Defect: Koni has a tendency to 'get stuck' in between forms, because he changes so fast. It severly effects his bone structure, and is exceedingly painful.
Apperance: User Image

Name: Rakun Shawn
Age: 19
Rank: Worst fighter
Gender: Male
Bio: Rakun was involved with the experimentation later in life than most. After his little sister died, he was a hopeless drunkard, and wound up penniless and broken on the streets. He was destined to wind up dead in a gutter, it seemed. But one of the scouts for the Institute happened upon him, and offered him a chance at life. With no other reason to exist, Rakun sold himself to the Institute with little care for the consequences. Since then he has been considered a failure, even as an experiment. He has severe 'overshot' and since he was not a trained fighter to begin with, was leagues behind the other four. It was his DNA that was used to create the base tissue for Experiment X, and he is told that, should he accomplish nothing else before he dies, X will be his legacy.
Defect: 'Overshot' - He has immense power, and no idea how to control it. He can blast a dark flame that winds up slamming him into a wall by mistake.
Apperance: User Image

Name: Shu Tsukiyame
Age: 20
Rank: Third best fighter, third oldest
Gender: Male
Bio: Shu hates everything. He makes it a point to make sure that everyone knows it, too. He hated being used as an experiment, he hates the spirit inside of him, he hates the Institute, he hates anyone that is existing peacefully, he hates his teammates, and he hates you. And he will remind you. Constantly. But, it is that pure rage that makes Shu such a formidable opponent, even though he is ranked third, he gives his superiors a helluva run for their money. Depending on how angry he is, the stronger he gets. His rage is his fuel, and he thrives off of it. And hates it too. Deep, deep, deeeeeeeeep down, he is still a kid, looking for something he cannot see. But he won't tell you that. He'll just spit on your new shoes. He hates those too.
Defect: Shu has a problem with control. If he gets too angry, he goes ballistic, enveloping him and everything around him in flame, be it friend or foe. He has already hurt himself pretty badly that way.
Apperance: User Image

Name: Fawn Xavien
Age: 22
Rank: Fawn isn't the best, but she runs up as a VERY close second
Gender: Female
Bio: Though her name whispers a placid gentle being, Fawn is anything but. A powerful fighter, and death to the unlucky and unexpecting she herself has become a symbol of her people, along with her other four companions, aiding in leading them forward to complete the tasks at hand. And she was never much different. Since childhood in the facility she had been cold, demanding, always wanting that power that seemed just out of reach. And, boy, was she comanding and difficult, true to her lust for strength and blood, prooving herself again and again to her "masters" that she was what they were looking for. That she would not fail them when she set out... Competitive beyond belief, she easily outranked most of the others at the facility, save for one which she seems to despise deeply despite the fact that they had grown up together to closely.
Defect: Fawn's defect is an unusual one. While she is powerful and uniquely determined, sometimes she cannot stop herself. Like a glitch in a machine she has breaks that soemtimes won't work. and that is why she is second. Emotions drive her too deeply, to the point that it has become a weakness and even a danger to her team at times.
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