Family tree (for a Inu-yasha fanfic) |
okay...so no one's too confuzzled:
Sesshou-maru is married to _______.
_____ is the reincarnation of Sakura (dead).
______ had two girls, and two boys: Akira (half demon, eldest), Heiwa and Hanabi(Boy/Girl twins, full demon), and Seriana({just called Ana}full demon, later split her power and created Aronia{just called Aro}).
Raijin - a fox demon who spirited Hanabi away during Killer's fight with Nightshade
Akira and Imari - three kids; Inuki, Banshou, Mesumi
Heiwa and Killer- three kids: Indigo (girl), Silver and Kunar (boys)
Hanabi and Raijin- had one son: Keito.
Ana and Elric - one daughter: Lilia (Ai)
Aro and Revan- one son: Onwa.
*Takes deep breath*
Naomi - a wolf demon, former servent of Sesshuo-maru.
Xiao - a mainlander.
Kiyira - the older sister of Revan and Elric.
Neko - a banished member of Kiyira's society.
Kage - a formor Child of the Dark.
Skye - a rogue of Kiyira's kind.
Aichi - a creation of Skye's, and was part of the story for a few pages, but then vanished.
Tenshi - a half-wolf, with blood of Kiyira's people inside his veins.
Jakken-... Jakken.
*takes another, calming breath*
Rin married Shippou- expecting
Skye married Kage- no children yet.
Kiyira married Neko- one son, Kurran
Naomi married Xiao, one son: Taro
Kurran- Kiyira and Neko's son, has a troubled past.
Nia - a girl from the future with a mysterious attachment to earth. (deceased[?])
*I think thats...wait, never mind, continueing*
Inu-yasha and Kagome, one girl: Kiyma
Miroku and Sango, expecting(had a child, not mentioned!)
Keeper is a strange figure watching over Nia and Shippo and Tenshi.
Kikyo-deceased (finally for good)
Hikari- wolf demon who had a thing for Hanabi
Rift- demon Lady of the South
Raidon- demon Lord of the East
Yoshiko Minamori- former lord of the North, had a thing for Killer, deceased.
Ketsusou - the new demon Lord of the North
^-^$^-^new updates!^-^$^-^
Amara - strange human who is Nia's 'earthly-mother'.
Eras- older brother of Nia, god (in human form so he can live with Amara).
Selena-older sister of both Nia and Eras' older sister, goddess.
Dark Angel - time traveling guardian, real identity unknown
Shadow - a mysterious guardian who is able to travel through time; not much more is known except that she is a friend of Kiyira and Neko
Ani- {former}angel caught between two worlds, now Indigo's husband.
Himeno- unknown girl who can switch between two forms, one of a wolf pup, the other of a girl with black feathered wings.
Galen- Himeno's guardian
Hikaru - a guardian, one of the council of seven an father to Kiyira, Elric and Revan.
Nightshade - a fox demon after Killer's lands
Nightengale - Nightshade's sister
Yashamaru - a watch-demon in Killer's lands
Sukiya - a demon suitor that Yoshiko uses against Sesshomaru in a misunderstanding
Luka - Naomi's elder brother
Ori - Luka's mate
Lakura - Kurran's sworn enemy (deceased)
*Hastely chacks back, then continues*
Amara and Eras- married, one child (not yet named)
Ani and Indigo- one child: Kusami
Tenshi and Black Fang- five children, only one named: Mist (girl)
Himeno and ? - four childern, none named
^*^*New Updates^*^*
Lei - High Angel,
Kiya (pronounced kee-yah)- An Albino with a strange power, friend of Himeno
Kila- a badmouthed human girl just recently introduced...
Black Fang -Tenshi's mate
Bakura- son of Lakura and Kurran...*shudders*
The Hunter- a dark being used to find rogue angels, under the order of Lei
Shiki- the son of The Dark One and one of his minions (deceased). Has a twisted idea for revenge on his Father.
Kito- a happy personality of Shiki's. Is waht Shiki secretly wishes he could be like.
Myona- mother to Himeno, step-mom to Shiki. Is the only one who could ever keep The Dark One in line.
Haruko- new girl, with a black past. doesn't think much of Shiki.
Kaori- a servant in shiki's household. A young mother who died giving birth, the babe with her.
*I think that covers everyone now...and this will be updated with every few new characters!*
*I think the updates are correct...post comment if not!*
SaigaDaichi · Sun Nov 27, 2005 @ 12:01am · 12 Comments |